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Working title - IKONNECT - already in use, so replacement required

1. Let's start from absolute basics.

2. I will write ideas here,
and you can make suggestions by email
( Hotmail informs me of it's arrival ).

Together we can evolve a concept that works.

Once we have a concept,
we can then decide on how to program it.

3. I believe that this country is badly governed,
and that we as a species are wrecking Earth.

I passionately believe this must change.


4. If meaningful change is to occur in this country,
there has to be a powerful independent media,
which is capable of doing a number of things.


a. the site must be created almost on thin air.

I can provide enough to fund the site itself,
plus some running expenses.

The site has to generate serious revenue.

b. the code, and maintenance of the site,
must be so simple
that no full time programmers are required
( until revenue warrants inhouse staff ).

c. the layout of the site
shall be simple, beautiful, and symmetrical.

The object of all data displayed
is to convey that data
from the screen to the user's mind
in the shortest possible time.

d. it is intended
that every community in Britain
shall have it's own IKONNECT,
and that it shall be standard code throughout.

e. it is intended
that every community may use the site
to re-create itself independently of government,
socially, economically, and politically.

f. to do this,
requires making the site so effective,
it becomes THE site of choice,
both because it is better coded than others,
and because using it
is seen as a statement by the user
that they strongly desire change -
for which IKONNECT is the vehicle.


1. Classified advertisements.

I began my business career in antiques,
and rapidly moved into junk,
as it was far more profitable.

The country is awash with junk,
and everyone has so much to get rid of,
there are skips full of it.

eBay operates nationally,
but there is a lot of wastage,
sending items hundreds of miles.

I want to encourage local community,
by supporting trade within "market town" radius -
a distance of 10 miles from boundary.

I would have a very simple alphabetic menu,
and I would allow separate files
for even the rarest item,
so that people know in an instant
whether or not something is available,
and can place a WANTED ad.

Supporters would donate items,
which the project could sell.

This area alone,
is fully capable of financing the project.

2. Local Diary.

People need to know
everything that is going on in their local area.

Events can be listed in brief,
with links to more information.

Were the site to have online almost all events,
this feature alone would encourage people to use it.

3. Local Business, Organisations, & Groups Directory.

To be effective,
a directory must be up-to-date.

The only people who really know what is going on locally,
are local people,
yetv most directories are compiled far away.

Again, from a basic listing,
IKONNECT can link to further information.

4. Political Diary and Information.

Space can be given to all politicians,
so that issues can be raised,
and The Public can see what results.

5. Danger Spots.

Many places of danger exist,
but very often nothing is done,
until someone is injured.

I propose to invite photograhs be taken of such places,
and they be listed against the street name,
so that everyone is aware that danger exists,
and pressure is placed upon owners
to repair or remove the danger.

If litigation results after an accident,
IKONNECT could supply the plantiffs
with full details of the danger
as from the date of our notification -
which would help them in court prove negligence,
and would warrant a fee.


In difficult times,
many people need to earn extra cash in a hurry
in order to beat a deadline
that will add further penalty.

Many steal for this reason.

It would be very helpful to have odd jobs listed,
so that every day some are available.

This could be very handy for those involved in the project,
as we will see what is offered first,
and can cherry pick.

Database vs text files

1. I make no claim to programming brilliance,
and frankly, get lost in complications.

So running huge databases is beyond me,
so I created an alternative.

2. A standard text file
can be handled by programs we write,
if the text file is supplied to us by the user,
using a program we supply.

Instead of clogging up our servers,
they keep everything on their PC,
and email us everything they want displayed
before publication date.

Every user would have a unique ID,
and every file would also have a unique ID.

Once we receive the email,
our program would read the user ID,
delete the existing files from their directory,
copy the new into the directory,
and then sort these files into the relevant web page file.

From the user's point of view,
he can do everything offline at leisure,
and decide which files he wants displayed.

This could be by a mouse-click,
to include or exclude from the last list used.

He then copies and pastes to his email account,
and clicks send.

From IKONNECT's point of view,
the data comes pre-formatted,
and is fast and easily handled.

All it takes,
is to open the email,
click "reply",
select all,
and paste into our sorting program.

Although laborious,
there are plenty of very bored people
who would gladly do this for the project,
until we automate the process.

It also means
that all of the data is safe,
as it is not on our servers,
but on the user's PCs.

In the event of a catastrophic failure at our end,
all we need to do,
is ask our users to resubmit,
and the system rebuilds itself.

3. Text files take up minimal bandwidth -
the problem lies with images.

I propose that we have a sister site,
which processes images sent by users,
and produces them to a standard size,
and with a small business advertising area
( perhaps no more than a strip along the base -
big enough for 2 or 3 lines of text,
and a bit of non-intrusive graphics ).

We could also have a photo catalogue
of inhouse examples of standard items,
allowing the user to right click that images,
get the image url,
and paste into their file.

This would mean that from Day One,
images would be seen as potential revenue,
and we would ensure a very high standard.

It should be possible to have that advertising strip
change advertiser each time it is viewed,
or to have a specific advertiser be shown
throughour a particular IKONNECT directory.

Many advertising banners are ugly and intrusive -
our advertising must blend in tastefully.

We would need to develop an inhouse style for this.

4. The object of the exercise,
is to have a project
which is built in lots of tiny chunks,
each of which can be run
by people who wish to support the concept,
have minimal computer programming skills,
but lots of time.

This in itself would build community,
as this country has vast numbers of sick and idle people,
and many desire something worthwhile to do.

It also means
that it does not need the internet
in the event of local emergency.

5. This method may not survive the test of time,
but it would certainly get the project going.

And when serious revenue is coming in,
and the pressure is on,
then creative minds will create solutions.

The point is,
that it is simple enough
to teach unskilled people how to contribute
in a few minutes.

There is no complicated application to learn -
if you can read THE SUN or THE NEWS OF THE WORLD,
and can click a mouse,
you can manage part of the site.

6. Brighton is an ideal location to try this out, as:-

a. there are large numbers of small businesses,
crafts people, and other enterprising types.

b. there are large numbers of students -
many of whom need to do something for their course.

c. there are large numbers of visitors to Brighton.

d. it is a small geographical area, easily covered.

e. Brighton fancies itself as an avant garde place -
so IKONNECT should be right up their street!


1. I understand the advantages of Java:-
a. useable on most platforms.
b. the coding is very similar to C,

Perhaps we could initially write in C,
get everything working,
and then rewrite in Java.

This would save you work initially,
as I could do some of the C coding,
and would speed things up.

I have built an extensive C library
of file and string functions,
and am itching to see them used.

Admittedly they are DOS Borland C++ 3.1 functions,
requiring porting to Windows,
but they have been well tested.

I stuck to DOS
because it is lightning fast -
both to code and execute.

However, after years of coding,
I burnt out,
and have not coded for over a year,
so I am open to convincing that Java would be better.

Part of my interest in C & C++,
is that I would like to gain skills in windows programming myself,
so that if no other programmer is available,
I can do it myself.

I am no longer a young man,
and after burning out,
I am not sure I have the capacity any longer
to learn another language.

I have a vision,
and Ian Puddick is facing jail in June this year.

It would be nice to think
that something created from scratch
could affect his trial for the better,
by making his stand for free speech known,
and him a household name.

Miracles can happen!

Ian Puddick's websites

Fairly basic:-

Link -

These two links should be the same site:-

Link - - I could not load this today

Link - - I could not load this today

Ian has a web designer,
but his style is not mine,
as I go for simplicity,
and he goes for a dog's breakfast that is all singing and dancing,
and gives my eyes the screaming heebie-jeebies.


Utility program needed!

I re-wrote Blogger code to get this format,
and the blogger and HTML code
is a nuisance in the text file.

A program would be very useful
that has a text editor,
and auto-converts files into blogger format,
using simple character codes.

I use the blog,
because it is a very simple way to get stuff on the net.

It is a bit bland colour-wise,
but it is a good method.

My own experience began with a major court case,
for which I transfered documents to FAST4TRUTH.

An example:-

Link - A fraudulent police report to the CPS

Many people want to present their own cases to a court,
but get bogged down in paper.

By putting it on the net,
and by putting in links,
one can get to any point in a mouseclick or two.

And by numbering eveything,
you can get others there fast too.

This would be an ideal program ( windows and/or java ),
as there is a big market for it, I think -
and it is code we would need.

I use characters such as #, {' },
which are not used in text,
as I want my codes short and simple -
easy to remember.


#f5} might be <FONT COLOR=BLUE>

#fe} might be </FONT>

#f5}This title is easily read!#fe}
is less intrusive in the text file than:-
<FONT COLOR=BLUE>Try reading text within this mess!</FONT>

Any questions so far? Zen

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[C] 2010 - Zen asserts copyright on text, context, and design.
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