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Words - A-Z Index

Words A to Z
These are some of my favourites.

You are welcome to suggest additions.

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- G - H - I - J - K - L-
- M - N - O - P - Q - R -
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Mind, Body & Spirit - General Menu

- adversity - Afghanistan - age - alone - anger - awareness -

Adversity utilised constructively can move mountains,
theorectically speaking.

Author - Marion Steggles - 27 Dec 2010

On Afghanistan - Author - Zen - 05 Nov 2010

If you whack a wasps' nest hard enough,
you are guaranteed getting stung.

If you walk away,
they will settle down.

Simple, really!
On age - Author - Zen - 08 Aug 2010

Anyone can be young when young.

Few can be young when seemingly "old"

Many people fear being alone so much,
they settle for a pale illusion of love.

You cannot ride two horses at once.

Author - Zen - Jan 2011

On dealing with anger.

I was socially-trained for anger by a primitive fear-based system,
which made certain I would have good cause for anger.

I found that anger has consequences,
and that there is a better way -
to work on myself spiritually.

I began to practice a form of tai chi,
and after 16 years,
I can access a very deep sense of calm,
which other people can access too.

It is not what happens to you,
but how you respond to it,
that defines who you are.

Author - Zen - 28 Oct 2010

Word of advice -

whenever someone says something that angers you,
breathe deep a few times,
and ask:-

"Is there any truth in this?"

None of us is perfect -
there is always room for growth!

So often we reject with kneejerk reaction
something of great value had we paused to think.

Author - Zen - 17 Nov 2010

Awareness - Author - Zen - 30 Nov 2010

As governments and corporations move further and further away,
demand more and more of our attention,
people find it harder to notice things immediately around them.

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Breathe deep, be more!
Breathe deep, relax, be inspired, be true!

In the foolish rush of life,
driven by fear,
too few stop,
breathe deep,
and relax into inspiration,
where the only truth that matters,
settles gently into an open mind.

And, being re-minded of our ancient heritage,
we change for the better.

Author - Zen - 30 Aug 2010
breathe deep, be true!

How can you be inspired if you are a shallow breather?

Author - Zen - 19 May 2010

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- change - chaos - choices - community - courage -
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He who resistschange,
finds the going hard.

Author - Zen - 31 Aug 2010
You cannot change the world -
you can only change yourself.

Only when you begin to understand that,
does the world reflect your forward movement with a suitable event.

And so you have changed the world -
with love, not hate.
You cannot change the world,
you can only change yourself.

But when you change,
The One Mind ( TOM )knows,
and marks the occasion with a suitable event.

And so, you HAVE changed the world.

The cart must be behind the horse.

Simple, but true.

Author - Zen - 11 Aug 2010
It seems The Winds of Change are blowing.

It is time.

The best battle won,
is that where the sword never leaves the scabbard.

Author - Zen - 30 Jan 2011

In the midst of movement and chaos,
keep stillness inside of you.

Author - Deepak Chopra

On chaos - Author - Zen

When others flap like headless chickens,
"Breathe deep, relax, be inspired, be true!"
Our choices create possibilities.

Consider the the possibility that before you were born,
you chose your parents,
you specific social setting,
and the basic challenges that Life would set you,
so that you could address areas of your being that were weak.

Just knowing that Life is a Game you chose,
puts you ahead of the field.

Author - Zen - 04 Sep 2010

Few people know what community really means:-

Common unity.

Think about it,
and then see why what government says are communities, are'nt.

Then work out why.

When you know the reason,
you know why real communities are so rare.

Author - Zen - 01 Feb 2011

Courage through fear is one thing,
but courage through Love can do no harm.

Author - Zen - 30 Sep 2010

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- debt - defence - determination - drugs
- Return to A-Z Menu

From the point of view of government,
debt as an instrument of control has major advantages.

Debt is easy to create,
because people are fundamentally greedy and lazy.

So all you have to do is create demand via advertising,
and cash just pours into the economy.

The economy is GOD.

Without a strong economy,
the controllers have no function worth pursuing.

So debt is fine-tuned to an infinite degree -
a tax here, a benefit there .....
until the individual is so bemused by it all,
all they can do is be a bloated consumer.

Judging by many people's body-mass,
"bloated consumer" perfectly sums it up.

But "Hey" No problem!",
even bloated consumers create wealth
by becoming sick ( hospitals ),
by dying ( police, post-mortems, funerals, lawyers ).

It matters not to the system HOW money is created -
as long as they get it.


Starve them of their lifeblood,
and create a better world,
based on higher values.

Author - Zen - 30 Nov 2010


We have all met people,
who, the moment you try to get close,
prick you.

This is known as the Porcupine Defence - very common.

People who see auras can actually see the quills.

Author - Zen - 12 Aug 2010

We have all met people
who attack you the moment you enter their safety zone.

This is known as the Pre-emptive Strike Defence.

"I will hurt you before you can hurt me!"

Author - Zen - 12 Aug 2010

A willingness to try is good,
but a determination to achieve is better?

Drugs are one way to kick in doors fast
to other levels of consciousness,
which are usually better opened gently.

An occasional wayshower, not a season ticket.
If you train yourself,
you can get the effect of the best quality drugs
by exercise and breathing,
with no side effects whatsoever,
and enhanced well-being.

And it's free.
Drugs can be magnificent for opening doors to awareness,
but make a very poor daily crutch.
I have explored altered states of consciousness,
with and without natural and chemical drugs,
and I was lucky enough to establish contact with spirit guides.

Some believe that I am mad as a result,
but once you have seen beyond this world,
there is no turning back.

Mankind has a long way to go.

I was incredibly square -
totally anti-drugs ( brainwashed ).

When I bought my little farm at Maders
( anagram of dreams ),
someone I trusted turned up with magic mushrooms.

I had never even heard of them,
but knew I would take them.

On the second occasion,
my friend was possessed by an evil spirit,
who launched into a mean, vicious diatribe at me.

I do not remember any of the words,
but the energy was appalling.

I knew exactly what to do -
I called for help from The Lords of Light.

It left instantly.

It was the first time in this life
that I knew that there were other dimensions,
and that they were aware of me.

I tried magic mushrooms on my own,
and could never get any effect.

I learnt that drugs would come to me only when needed,
and as a loving gift.

There was no need for me to seek them.

Author - Zen - 26 Oct 2010
The harm done by drug controls
far outweighs the advantages.

Author - Zen - 18 Sep 2010

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- Earth - touching Earth - the Earth - enlightenment - errors - events - evil - evolution -
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Trying to explain things in words
is often an uphill task,
which is why the Earth is filled with ancient sacred places,
where, if one simply relaxes and opens the mind,
a quantum leap foward is possible,
for self-healing,
and knowledge leading towards wisdom.

Author - Zen - 16 Jul 2010

Touching Earth,
is very healing.

People see Earth as dirt,
when Earth gives us life.

People see farmers as useless peasants,
to be despised.

Or as rich targets to tax to destruction
to fund projects to fuel city egos.

Earth is not a factory.

Earth is not to be unloved -
unless you are blind to consequences.

Earth is a living consciousness,
part of The One Mind ( TOM ),
so it knows when it is loved,
and returns that love as nature's bounty.

Governments shaft their farmers in many different ways -
all of which remove energy better given to Earth.

Industrialised food that lacks love,
lacks the vital ingredient that science cannot measure.

But you can measure it
by looking at the people around you,
and wondering which ones vibrate with Love,
and which without.

The moment your eyes open to the truth,
you will see how you are being cheated
by government and corporations.

So, put your hands into Earth,
and communicate.

Author - Zen - 30 Sep 2010
When I asked my spirit guide
what would happen if Earth was destroyed by nuclear war,
he just chuckled, and said

"The Earth is a thoughtform!

We simply re-create it!"

It put a very different perspective
upon a concept I had previously found appalling.

It does not mean that we can abdicate responsibility,
but it does mean nothing is ever final.

Karma will work itself out, one way or another.

Author - Zen - 08 Aug 2010

Enlightenment literally lightens the burden of fear,
until fear no longer has any hold upon you.

Environment - 19th century Cree Indian prophecy:-

"Only after the last tree has been cut down,
the last river poisoned and the last fish caught,
will you find that money cannot be eaten."
Environment - Author - Zen
When a company has a waste water outflow on a river,
we can only be certain
that the water is fit for nature to drink
if the Chairman of the company is seen to drink it frequently,
and his children swim in it.

Environment - Author - Zen 07 Sep 2010
We all know that planet Earth is over-populated,
and that our waste products are wrecking the environment.

However we now have a monstrous government/military/industrial complex
that is totally out of control,
and literally sucking the life out of its subject slaves,
and it's planetary home.

To change things - stop buying.

Starve the tyranny of its lifeblood - money.

Be willing to let it collapse.

Author - Zen 22 Dec 2009

We all make errors,
but he who beats himself over the head,
rarely makes good decisions!

Simply be determined to do better next time.

For there always is a next time -
again and again -
until you pass the test.

This is why history repeats itself.
On errors - Author - Zen - 17 Nov 2010
"Why do I do stupid things?""
says a Facebook friend on her wall.

My reply:-

"We all do stupid things,
but some repeat the same errors again and again."

Evil thrives when good men turn their faces to the wall!

Events are but links upon a chain of decisions.

Author - Zen - 20 Nov 2010

Consciousness extends itself infinitely.

As does Love.

Therefore "we" cannot fail to evolve,
be more.

Hard as things seem to be,
hold on tight to that knowing -
that everything has a purpose,
and in good time, all will come right.

Author - Zen - 06 Nov 2010

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- FACE THE FEAR - fear - food - freedom - freewill - future -
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Fear is the most corrosive acid known to man.
Fear is the most corrosive acid known to man.

The mind can be very inventive when fear-driven.

Unfortunately, in a primitive fear-based society,
people are not taught The Law of Karma:-

What you put out, comes back!

Wrongful actions have consequences.

Author - Zen - 30 Oct 2010

When you look back on your life,
and see decisions that you made,
you can ask yourself
if a particular decision was made with love or fear.

You cannot ride both horses -
if it is not love without fear,
it is fear alone.

Love is not to be limited.
A man with two or more faces,
burns vast amounts of energy,
trying to remember which face he presented to which person.

When a man conquers fear,
and is true to himself,
he releases vast amounts of energy,
can relax deeply,
and simply be.
In a primitive fear-based society,
there must be lots of losers to feed the fear.
If, in a primitive fear-based society,
you can rise above it's values,
you demonstrate there is more to life.

Author - Zen - 05 Sep 2010

We can all be so much more,
as soon as we Face The Fears that limit us,
and reach for the sky.

Author - Zen - 10 Oct 2010
With all challenges,
the key is to Face The Fear.

There are simple esoteric techniques for facing fear.

Then, using the mind, simply create psychic mirrors,
and reflect bad energy back at those responsible for fear
( including the designers, manufacturers, and controllers -
as well as end-users ).

The Law of Karma is set in motion.

You need to do no more.

Just focus on your own enlightenment.

Author - Zen - 03 Sep 2010

Control of the food supply gives power,
because no food equals starvation.
Concern is growing that the European Union
is seeking to control herbal remedies.

Some say it is because the pharmaceutical companies
feel they are losing money
because herbs can cure and heal diseases.

The business is in ongoing treatment,
not the cure.

The new regulations mean
that every product must be scientifically tested at vast expense
to see if their use is scientifically proven,
and they are safe.

On the face of it,
it seems very reasonable,
until you realise
that the expense knocks out all small producers,
leaving only the big companies.

Which is, of course, exactly what they want.

The answer, is to go underground.

Author - Zen - 31 Jan 2011

When freedom is outlawed,
only outlaws will be free.
When freedom is decided in offices and courts,
they are not freedoms at all -
they are whims.
Freedom always requires fighting for to maintain.

As our freedoms are removed
by authority that becomes evermore distant,
conflict is inevitable.

That is why they removed firearms -
they knew in advance.

This is why they so regularly kill people,
and make sure we get the message on TV.

This is why they show so often on TV
police entering people's homes with battering rams.

They believe fear brings compliance.

Truth is, resistance is already massive,
and like gunpowder left lying around,
all it takes is a spark.

They want this,
because if the violence is big enough,
they can bring in more oppression, more fear.

This is how they think,
because they demand submission and compliance.

So The People must learn to use willpower,
and become singleminded in common unity.

Create their own community with love, not hate.

I know how it can be done,
but have yet to see any framework capable of it.

Author - Zen - 20 Nov 2010
Our masters give us endless "rights" -
all of which require someone to Yay or Nay them -
which means they are not rights, but whims.

I stood up for freedom,
and paid with it with everything I had,
which was taken from me after endless lies by government.

I now live outdoors on just £2 a day -
no man is my master -
and I have not signed a single government form since 2005.

THAT is freedom.

Author - Zen - 03 Nov 2010
Freedom is a state of mind -
not paper rights, worthless government whims.

Those that wield paper as their weapon
will one day choke to death
as the energy they put out, comes back.

Author - Zen - 02 Sep 2010

Man has freewill -
if anything is "wrong",
it is for us to put right the wrong.

God's function is to allow -
and be impartial.

If we create errors,
then it is recorded in the Akashic Records,
and is balanced out over time through karma.

Nothing judges us "out there".

We are our own sternest judge -
until we learn to set aside the primitive beliefs
of our forefathers, churches, and governments,
and trust God / The One Mind ( TOM )
to deliver new inspirational teachings.

Anyone who thinks that the only teachings of value
originate from long dead teachers,
and dusty books in archaic language,
miss the vital ingredient:-

The only Moment of Time is NOW.

Author - Zen - 01 Feb 2011

Every moment of every day I keep an eye out
for a sustainable future.

A future where I am What I Am -
not what government and corporations insist I be.

I know the answer lies in consciousness -
rising above the day to day concerns,
clearing the mind,
and with quiet intent,
creating a loving, enlightened future
that frees The People of Earth from slavery.

Author - Zen - 06 Nov 2010

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- government - guilt -
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Our government
and police lie through their back teeth,
and access to remedy by means of law
is made slower, more complex,
and beyond the purse of the vast majority of people.

Under no circumstances can that be good government

Author - Zen - 19 Feb 2010
Those who govern retreat behind armoured glass,
speak of open-ness,
and conceal all that they can.

Author - Zen - 19 Feb 2010
Good government is essential -
bad government is a curse.

Governments are a chicane
on the roads of trade and communication.

Within the chicane,
they extract money as a protection racket,
and power as the decision makers.

Having made everything like chewing gum in carpet,
they are then in a position to offer "Free Trade",
and pretend to be benevolent.
Governmentand capitalism require work / money,
so they breed hard work / negative people.

Crime, violence and ill-health
are an industry like any other to the system.

Government's problem - Author - Zen - 09 Nov 2010

The problem is simple -
the class divide between governors and governed
is so massive,
that whatever government tries to do,
resistance is massive too.

And as government has made this a very high cost society,
and shackled it with loads of professional leeches,
even simple changes cost a fortune.

Whichever way they turn,
it will just get worse.

Oh! What a mess!

Serves them right!
Maybe we should arrange a nationwide meditation next 5 November,
and express our dissatisfaction with Westminster government
by imagining it blazing alight with fire?

On November 11th, everything stops for two minutes -
so let's halt everything for 10 minutes -
and finish what Guy Fawkes started,
and by willpower, not violence.

Author - Zen - 05 Nov 2010
Many people do not get involved in things
because involvement means government,
and government is The Sludge.

Author - Zen - 28 Oct 2010
The government system,
having destroyed most low-cost sustainable businesses and communities,
is now lumbered with a system
which is so excessively expensive in all of it's operations,
the country is facing bankruptcy,
and the people are reduced even further to slaves,
forced to work ever harder,
and to pay through the nose
for the privilege of living on their knees.

Wake up, People!
Author - Zen - 20 Aug 2010
If people simply stopped buying,
the whole rotten, corrupt system would collapse,
as a deliberate act of democratic will of The People,
reforming government,
by saying "No!"

Get off your knees!

Author - Zen - 18 Aug 2010

Guilt is what evil thrives on.
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- happiness - healing - health -
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Happiness is a state of mind
that merely requires constant focus and attention,
until it becomes a habit,
not easily dislodged.

Those who make healing their first priority,
greatly increase their opportunities,
and learn much about themselves -
whatever the outcome.

Author - Zen - 28 Oct 2010


It's up to you,
how deep you go.

The deeper you go,
the more you can process events in your life
at the soul level
( if that makes sense to you ).

It's intuitive, not intellectual.
On Health.

TV is used to brainwash people into believing
that sickness and creeping old age are inevitable.

This keeps the National Ill-Health Industry
( NHS and pharmaceuticals )
getting fatter by the year.

There are 80,000 diseases listed already,
and lots of simply horrible things to fear.

And people do!

They worry and worry, until the mind says:-

"OK! You've said 9,512 times that you don't want X disease,
so obviously you don't have much faith
in your ability to control your life
( as surely saying it once would be enough! ).

So it seems you really want to EXPERIENCE the fear,
so here it is - X disease delivered to your body!"

Much better to say
"I intend to maintain my mind and body in good health."

"If my karma requires me to be ill,
I will cross that bridge when and if I get there."

"In the meantime,
I will use the creative power of my mind
for positive concepts that extend my understanding."
Lots of sick people,
urgently needed to fuel the National Ill-Health Industry.

"As long as there is a pulse,
there is an income!"

Author - Zen - 02 Sep 2010

Lucky we have an ever-expanding
National Ill-Health Service
to take care of our "healthy" society.

Why not simply choose to be healthy yourself,
mind, body, and spirit?

Author - Zen - 02 Sep 2010
More on Health.

It was Great Britain
that first introduced universal free health care.

...It was the belief in 1948
that preventative health care would REDUCE costs
as the general population grew ever healthier.

Unfortunately, no-one really thought it out,
and health costs have spiraled out of control ever since.

First, large numbers of new diseases have appeared,
particularly those affecting the nervous system.

My suspicion is that these are closely linked to pollution.

Second, people are living far longer -
with many stacked in old age
as fodder for the old people's home industry.

Third, no-one reckoned on the increases in costs,
as the amount of legislation by government
pushed even the simplest things to ridiculous amounts.

Fourth, no-one reckoned on the pharmaceutical industry
fabricating laboratory diseases
in order to guarantee a profitable captive market.

Fifth, no-one reckoned on a food industry
that creates addictive foods,
leading to hordes of gross fat pigs.

There was a case here recently,
where they had to demolish the wall of his bungalow
to get him out,
and a Sea King helicopter was required
to convey him to a hospital.

As we live in a brainwashed "victim" culture,
with hordes of professionals feeding on the results of fear,
this situation will continue
until the people take personal responsibility for their health.

If people are injured in normal everyday events,
they should be guaranteed care.

If they are grossly negligent of themselves,
then they should not expect others to pay.

Otherwise health care will always expand
to fill the budget, and move beyond.

Knowing that "I" never die,
what on Earth is the point of living to 90 or 100,
when I can begin a new life elsewhere?

This greed for time seems insane to me.

People dying of cancer
that expect drugs costing tens of thousands of pounds
so that their life can be extended by three or six months,
are not thinking rationally.

So much money is spent on patching up the derelict,
when young people -
who may need minimal help or guidance to succeed -
get little or nothing.

Where young parents are so struggling to survive -
to find money -
their children are neglected or harmed.

We live in a culture that rewards victims,
because the same professionals that run government,
profit from victims.

Sad, but true.


I read the Readers Digest avidly when young.

Stirring tales of brave young men,
...riddled with cancer,
being treated by brave doctors with guinea pig cures -
and I was scared.

Scared of my shadow,
fearing every possible illness or injury.

Then I realised that there are 80,00 different diseases
recorded by medical science so far,
and an awful lot of people are still alive and well.

Why should someone be struck down,
but not me?

And countless possible injuries.

Why should someone on the left side of a road be mugged,
but I on the right have a great day?

"Karma" was what I learnt.

So I engaged the process
I now know as FACE THE FEAR,
and do not worry about it.

If it is my karma,
it will happen.

There is nothing whatsoever I can do to halt karma,
but working on myself towards enlightenment
may have beneficial results.

The victim says
"Why have you hurt me?"

Those who have faced fear say
"Why have I chosen to experience this!"
Definition of Britain's NHS ... National Health Service.

They buy degrees
like sheets of tissue on endless toilet rolls,
but little common sense!

Author - Zen - 30 Oct 2010
What you do not deal with in the mind,
must be dealt with through the body.

Bearing in mind the vast bottomless pit
that is the National Ill-Health Industry,
it is pretty obvious that few people know this.

Author - Zen - 01 Sep 2010

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- ill - illness - internet -
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What to do when you are ill.

Everything originates in your mind.

Issues you do not deal with in the mind,
must be dealt with through the body.

The body perfectly reflects the mind.

So whatever illness / accident you manifest,
makes a statement about how you think.

You can use that information to empower yourself
to make positive changes in your way of thinking.

Put simply, the conquest of fear.

1. cultivate positive thinking.

- you got yourself where you are,
so you can get yourself out of it.

- and you are not alone -
Life itself wants you to heal
as a result of your work on yourself.

2. make healing your first priority.

- healing takes place in your mind,
and is then reflected back by your body.

- so it makes perfect sense to focus your mind
by placing maximum attention on well-being.

3. be ready for the signals The One Mind ( TOM ) sends you.

- you are never, ever alone.

- 'You' are All That Is,
as well as tiny little 'You'.

- all around 'You' in the world-mirror
are signals there to help you.

- breathe deep, relax, and enjoy.

- if you seem to screw up,
just be determined to do better next time,
without beating yourself about the head.

- breathe deep, relax, and enjoy
( in case you missed it the first time! ).

Author - Zen - 2010

The point about the internet,
is that it represents in the physical world
mankind's growing awareness
of what has always existed as One
in the spiritual world..

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The Law of Karma.

What you put out, comes back!
Being Love is powerful, simple, clean, and inspirational.

Just make it clear to those who attack you
that you are no pushover psychicly,
by creating a mirror that returns bad energy to source.

google "judge chubb".

There must be no intent to cause harm,
but rather a call upon an ancient law.

A law which is perfect justice
because it has nothing to do with government.

As such, it is a two-edged sword -
so be willing to face your own karma
( however testing ).

Then leave Karma to sort it all out,
while all the time working on yourself.

Author - Zen - 02 Nov 2010

Life has consequences.

Our choices define who we are.

When we make mistakes under English law,
we are brought before a court.

When we make mistakes under The Law of Karma,
they are noted by beings on another level -
angels, spirits ( call them what you will ).

In some amazing way,
it is decided how to repay that debt,
and it is worked into a complex tapestry of life
that involves yourself and many others,
and is able to change and develop
as you change and develop.

So let's say that someone is thrown from his car,
and ends up impaled upon a fencing stake,
which needs cutting off from the ground,
and the damage carted off to hospital.

I saw a report of this in a paper,
and said to myself
"What on earth could someone do to warrant that?"

A day or two later,
I came across Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian king (1431–1476),
who is reputed to have executed thousands of people
by impalement on sharpened wooden stakes.

I asked the question -
and The One Mind ( TOM ) answered.

People who make no great effort to grow
often have abrupt "accidents"
which are designed to slow them down, and think.

There may be a great time gap
between a wrongdoing and the penalty,
perhaps in another life.

In about 1990
I rashly asked to pay all of my karmic debts
in this lifetime -
and was hit by an avalanche of "bad" events.

Just knowing that karma exists,
and that everything has a purpose,
makes things easier.

Author - Zen - 04 Nov 2010

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You have to "let go".
Rather than let yourself get wound up
to the point where you blast off,
tai chi and yoga are designed to relax the mind.

Author - Zen - 14 Nov 2010
Each of us is unique.

Each of us must learn to "let go".

What we once were will be stripped away by Life as a test,
for it is by our choices,
that we define who we are.

This only happens when we are ready for such a trial.

What, otherwise, would be the point?

Life knows you,
through and through -
not one of your thoughts goes unnoticed.

Rejoice! You are ready!

Yes! You have lost [ insert event here ],
but you have gained the opportunity to have another!

If you hold on too hard to the old one,
how will you notice the new?

Author - Zen - 06 Nov 2010


Who'd be without it?

Author - Zen - 30 Aug 2010

Maybe only when life itself is in jeopardy,
do we discover it's true meaning to us.

Author - Zen - Jan 2011
Life is a learning curve -
we are not provided at birth with all we need to know.

We are expected to explore, experience, integrate, and evolve.
Life is like a computer game,
with lots of hidden levels.

Basicly it is about "computer code" -
there are spiritual rules.

Even if you have not yet worked many of them out,
they all conform to certain basic rules.

I have worked some of them out,
and know that there are many more to discover.

I enjoy the game,
and life shares that enjoyment with me.
Only you are responsible for your life.

There is no-one else.

Only reflections.

As you change your way of thinking,
what you think is reflected back.

If you see life as harmful,
harmful it will be.

If you see life as loving and supportive,
you will experience life drawing you on,
teaching you about itself.

You will feel safe.

Author - Zen 22 Dec 2009
Remember the Star Trek game of chess on 3 levels?

Life is like a maze
on an as yet indeterminate number of levels -
with snakes and ladders!

The moment you think you've got somewhere -
whoosh! You drop right back!

It's all an illusion that is'nt an illusion that is an illusion -
and it's for "You", and "You" alone to see through it -
because only "You" exist
( except when "I" exist ).

But then again, do "I"?

Or "You"?

The only thing certain is this:-

"I" think, therefore "I" exist ( whether "You" or "I" ).

"We" exist within something that grants us consciousness,
and as "it" appears to be aware of "You" and "I"
( assuming "You", in fact, exist, of course! ),
"it" must be conscious too.

I call "it" The One Mind ( TOM ),
as TOM sounds very user-friendly to me
( unlike "God", which can get fanaticly religious -
a major turn-off for me ).

"You" and "I" are relative locations in TOM's experience.

Freewill ( within certain limitations )
gives us space to imagine "we" are separate.

Within that separation,
"we" each travel through our fears,
and over time ( life times ),
move deeper within consciousness,
going through many seeming consciousnesses
until we reach The One That Matters.

I hazard a guess that the purpose of life
is to be aware of the birth-to-death I-dentity,
the Higher Self ( or Soul ) that created "me",
and TOM - who is The Prime Creator -
all in one moment.

A supreme moment of remembrance,
an initiation into universal knowledge
ranging from the atomic structures,
through to the working of universes.

Every moment that we give to the system's insanity,
deprives us of unity to All That Is.

Author - Zen 06 Nov 2010


The only thing that matters is Love,
and the only way to find love is to know truth.

This is why the primitive fear-based ones always attack truth,
and those who light their lives by truth.

Author - Zen - 19 Feb 2010
Love is the only energy
that unites, heals, empowers,
and delivers the magnificence that is the heritage of man.

Why settle for less?

Author - Zen 22 Dec 2009
When Love intervenes in your life,
you have no choice - it just happens,
because it is unthinkable to say "No!".

So "looking for love",
or a lover,
simply cannot work;
is impossible.

Author - Zen - 30 Aug 2010

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- manners - mask -
- meaning - meditation -
- mind - mirror -
- moment -
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Why do so many men have the manners of pigs,
and the brains of ants?

Author - Zen - 09 Sep 2010

Some men have been hiding behind masks for decades,
burning vast amounts of energy creating concealed worlds,
rather than being true to themselves.

When a man peels off the mask,
the relief is immediate,
but fear holds men back.

Author - Zen
I have to see beyond a man's mask,
to know what really makes him tick.

Author - Zen

Meaning - see purpose

What is meditation?

Put simply,
it is mind brought to stillness and clarity
by any technique you find that works for you.

We all know of those in history
who have contemplated their navel for a few decades,
but have we really that sort of time and dedication?

My own experience has been fun.

I found that sex has a spiritual element to it,
and having taught someone a simple technique,
I could enter a long-lasting semi-orgasmic state of bliss,
where I was hovering just below orgasm
for up to two hours.

I also found
that mutiple orgasms without ejaculation heightens the pleasure,
and prolongs the duration,
allowing me to reach realisations

I also practice a form of martial art,
almost always outdoors,
which leaves me deeply relaxed,
and clears the mind of negativity.

The breath is a vital component of personal growth,
because as we breathe deeper,
we are literally inspired,
as inceased levels of oxygen remove toxins from our past,
freeing resources for a new future.

Focused thinking IS meditation -
you do not need to wear saffron robes,
chant strange mantras in distant languages,
or climb chilly mountains in distant lands.

You can be focused wherever you are,
in a moment.

The moment you put outside of you
the chattering and demanding environment around you,
and go within,
you are meditating.

YOU are the power.

YOU are the decider.

YOU choose what is for you,
and what is not.

The World is said to be 'maya',
or illusion.

Much of what comes into your awareness
has relevence to others,
but not to you.

Honour others their path,
but do not walk their distance with them,
unless that journey resonates deep within you,
or you can help them.

Do not be drawn into things that need not be yours,
or you may squander time and energy.

Even when things look 'bad' for you,
remember that everything provides lessons,
so nothing is wasted.

By integrating very simple concepts into your life,
and repeating those concepts that warm your heart,
and prove effective,
you re-program your mind,
and be more.

So, in whatever way warms your heart,
focus - meditate - upon it,
and one step will lead to another
in a chain of events
that unfold to your amazment and wonder.


Worth reading ( but may overwhelm ):- more

Author - Zen - 12 Sep 2010

A mind can be like a room closed for years,
with furnishings covered against dust,
shutters and curtains drawn,
and a lingering musty disused scent
that clogs the nostrils and blinks the eyes.

Let the bright daylight in,
shake out the dust of disuse,
and place a beautiful thought expressed as flowers
in a vase on a table.

Let the energy of that thought flow through you,
and extend in every direction,
as far as your imagination can go.

Perhaps as far as No 37 in the next street but one,
or the seventh sun within the nineth galaxy
that lies "That way!" ( pointing upwards ).

You decide.

Author - Zen - (?) 2010
What you do not deal with in the mind,
must be dealt with through the body.

Accident and illness give you time to think.

Author - Zen
You have to be out of your mind,
to find YourSelf.
If things are not working for you,
consider formating your mental hard drive!

Get rid of out-dated, worn-out ways of thinking!

Out with Windows 95,
and in with a better frame of mind.

Author - Zen
Believe me, it is quite an eye-opener
when your spirit guide demonstrates that he can read your mind at will,
and knows absolutely everything about your past.

Author - Zen
A child's mind is like a blank hard drive -
it is vital we load only the best quality programs.

Author - Zen - 16 Oct 2010

It is better to make a decision, be wrong - and learn something,

than do nothing, learn nothing, and be "right".

Use of the mind - Author - Zen - 10 Aug 2010

Create a mirror within the mind,
and reflect bad energy back to source.

Author - Zen
Create a mirror within the mind,
and reflect bad energy back to source.

I would like to see a project
that trains people how to return bad energy
to whoever is giving it out -
government, corporations, or criminals.

I am interested to see
if the effects I observed in my own use of returned energy
would increase exponentially
if released into mainstream use.

Author - Zen - 03 Sep 2010
Mirror upon mirror,
relative locations within The One Mind,
passing the baton of light to and fro,
and playing the Game called Life.

Author - Zen - 04 Oct 2010

Mistake see errors.

Everything is happening all at Once.

Everything is within The Moment.

This is why, when you are super-consciously aware,
time stands still.

The workings of the entire universe,
from the beginning of time to the end of time -
with all of the infinite interactions between relative locations -
exist within The One Moment within The One Mind.

Time is an illusion,
which is why time is one of the great weapons
of those who abuse their responsibilities most -
government and church.

By abusing time,
and forcing the people
to be subservient to it's false framework,
the people lose touch with universal time.

It is a system of control
that has as a consequence the sadness and illness of many,
because a conscious connection with TOM
is essential for good health, mentally and physically.

This is why so many people are in panic
as totally artificial deadlines create bad consequences,
causing vast harm to the people,
and vast profit for the oppressors.

When you step outside of their control structures,
you have all the time in the world.

In fact, you have time for the people you meet -
as much as it takes to deal with issues fully,
right there and then -
unlike system people,
who always postpone it to an appointment.

During this delay, thoughts occur.

As we live in a primitive fear-based society,
inevitably most of those thoughts are fearful,
and if strong enough,
result in consequences that must be worked through.

So, because of a supposeed "lack of time"
to sort things right there and then
( which, of course, few people are capable of doing,
because system people rarely have real authority ),
vast amounts of time are consumed by consequences
that spew events into reality.

So, most of the efforts of system people
are reduced to futile efforts to address effects,
because they lack the vision to tackle cause.

Author - Zen - 20 Nov 2010
Only NOW exists.

We call it The Moment.

All else is memory or projection.

If you do not live now,
in The Moment,
you miss the point of maximum experience.

Author - Zen - 17 Sep 2010

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- nature - negative -
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We live in a world so controled by the needs of systems and gadgets,
people lose touch with their connection with nature,
and so feel out of touch with their inner feelings,
damaging relationships with people around them.

Breathe deep, relax, be inspired, be true!

Author - Zen - 29 Sep 2010
The closer you get to nature,
the closer you may get to your own true nature.

Author - Zen - 06 Sep 2010

"Negative people are trying to argue with you,
and make you angry and powerless.

Positive people are giving you love, power, and knowledge."

Author - Pleiadian Alien Alaje ( YouTube ).
Rulers cultivate Negativity in the population,
because it makes money.

Nothing like sick, sad people for profit.

Author - Zen
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- peace - problem - purpose -
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If you want peace in the world,
cultivate peace within.

The world is beyond your control,
but your thoughts are your own responsibility.

The world you see reflects your thoughts.

Breathe deep, relax, be inspired, be true.

Author - Zen - 24 Oct 2010

Recognising a problem exists
is the first step to it's solution.

Author - Zen - 29 Oct 2010
Have a problem?

Breathe deep, relax,
and see if The One Mind ( TOM ) can provide a solution?

Author - Zen - 27 Sep 2010

Each must find their own purpose.

Each must analyse with the intellect,
and feel with the intuition.

Each must deal with events that come their way.

Each must learn discernment.

Each must FACE THE FEAR,
taking one fear at a time,
and conquer it.

Each must learn the value of life,
and be willing to give it up if neccessary.

Each must learn what Love is.

Each must face their limits,
dismantle their defences against life's evils,
and become de-fence-less.

In truth, we fear what can harm us,
and so draw it towards us.

When fearless,
we cannot be harmed
unless our Karma so dictates.

So, be true to Your Self.

Author - Zen - 03 Oct 2010

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1. sheep do not ask questions.

2. stronger people ask "Why?"

3. very strong people get answers.

4. balanced people integrate those answers into their life,
     having discerned what works and what does not.

That is how we get results.

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- response - revolution - rhythym -
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It is not what happens to you,
but how you respond to it,
that defines who you are.
As I wrote of the Facebook wall
of a lady whose children have been away 1962 days:-
whose response inspires others in similar circumstances:-

"Life may have dealt you some tough cards,
but your heart shines like a beacon."

Author - Zen - 12 Oct 2010
Others may create challenging circumstances for you,
but you choose how you respond.

All I can say is .... work on yourself every day.

Find peace within.

You may do yoga,
play patience,
tap dance,
or stand on your head singing Elvis songs -
whatever brings you to peace.

To have a smile on your face,
even when things seem black,
seems impossible,
but it can be done -
and I assure you, it makes a big difference.


Because people light up in response to your smile.

And their smile warms your heart,
and marks your progress.

When proper paperwork is of more importance than people,
we know it is time for revolution.

Author - Zen - 01 Feb 2011
On the fools who want a violent revolution.
Author - Zen - 27 Nov 2010

You play right into the hands of those in government / police
who wish to implement draconian powers already enacted in law,
but not yet implemented.

These people will goad the foolish into violence
in order to justify an unprecedented level of police violence.

This battle must be fought in the mind,
not with the bricks and barricades
of those stuck in the "class war" of generations ago.

Otherwise you will see blood in the gutters.

And the knowledge from Afghanistan of how to create IEDs
being used to take out the police

There is a better way - willpower, with Love

You either vibrate at a low level of fear,
or you raise your vibration towards love.

THAT is what all of this is about.

Government cannot evolve beyond a certain point
without confronting it's basic nature
as being primitive and fear-based.

As such, it does us all a great service
by obliging us to confront very important evolutionary issues
that must be dealt with
before we are able to move forward.


When injustice is the very basis of the law of the state,
lawful rebellion is the duty of all free-thinking people.

Resistance is massive already,
and growing daily.

There are many disparate threads,
that require weaving into a tapestry of revolution.

Revolution. merely means change.

When change is unreasonably thwarted by unjust means,
revolution means violence.

The system will try to weaken, divide and frighten the people,
before the anger and resentment boils over.

To maintain the system as it it,
the system needs violence.

Those who are aligning themselves with The Light,
must breath deep, relax, be inspired, be a strength widely shared.

Your calm wisdom will stand head and shoulders
above the headless chickens flapping about.

It is a state of mind cultivated like a much-loved garden.

Author - Zen - 08 Nov 2010

Natural rhythym belongs to TOM ( The One Mind ),
and is at all times in perfect balance and harmony.

Unnatural rhthyms belong to governments,
are completely out of tune with life,
and result is sickness, disease, and barbarity.

As government has extended itself,
so Man has further lost touch with Truth.

As government knows no love,
Truth is rejected by it.

For Trust and Truth
are the first building blocks of Love.

Which is why Trust and Truth are government's first targets.

Look within for truth -
trust yourself.

Nothing external has value -
their values are worthless.

Breathe deep,
walk tall.

This is what I know.

Author - Zen - 03 Sep 2010

Stand like a rock,
let the waves break.

Roll like a pebble,
let the river flow through you.
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- simple - slave - slavery - smile - spirit - stupid - suffering - Return to A-Z Menu

KISS - Keep It Superbly Simple
In a world of complexity,
the answers are always Simple.

Many people have questions, need answers.

Author - Zen - 11 Aug 2010

The best slaves need no chains,
and pay through the nose for their bondage.

Recognise our world?
"The best slaves need no chains!"
perfectly describes the British people.

As their country is flooded by incomers,
and the people are forced to live even more packed together,
and work harder and pay more taxes
in order to finance their own oppression,
how long is it going to be before they wake up?

Author - Zen - 10 Jul 2010

At times a smile means little -
at others, so much.
A smile costs nothing,
but gives much.

It enriches those who receive,
without making poorer those who give.

It takes but a moment,
but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None is so rich or mighty
that he can get along without it,
and no-one is so poor,
but that he can be made rich by it.

A smile creates happiness in the home,
fosters good will in business,
and is the countersign of friendship.

It brings rest to the weary,
cheer to the discouraged,
sunshine to the sad,
and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen,
for it is something that is of no value to anyone,
until it is given away.

Some people are too tired to give you a smile;
give them one of yours,
as none needs a smile so much
as he who has no more to give.

Author unknown

Meeting spirit guides is a slippery slope -
there is no going back.

Author - Zen - Nov 2010
I define spiritas The Power of Life.
enhanced via growth through experience of life.

We are conscious beings with superconscious abilities
( most hardly touched as yet ).

Author - Zen - 03 Nov 2010
Meeting Spirit - a poisoned chalice?

On it's way ...

Author - Zen - 29 Sep 2010
Spiritual growth is not for namby pambys -
it is a tough game for spiritual warriors.

Author - Zen - 10 Aug 2010

Stupid - see errors

Suffering is man's most frequent road towards growth
because man rarely thinks deeply without it.

And even under appalling suffering,
many men resolutely refuse to think.

So, lifetime after lifetime, it just gets harder,
until finally a man says
"Surely there must be a better way!"

And spirit -
who have been twiddling their thumbs waiting for this moment -
set in motion a series of events
that offer YOU new possibilities.

Author - Zen - 22 Dec 2009
Suffering is not a pre-requisite of growth,
but suffering is popular amongst human beings.

If past life karma makes sense to you,
history books record
how man has done many horrible things to do to each other.

So, where are these people now?

They are right beside you,
paying off their karmic debts one way or another,
just like you.

What you put out, comes back!

Author - Zen - 17 Jul 2010

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- The One Mind ( TOM ) - TOM ( The One Mind ) - think - thoughts - trust - truth -
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If there is only one mind,
how can you ever be alone?

Every one of us ( the paradox ) is The One Mind (TOM)
experiencing itself through us.

One mirror reflected upon another,
and consciously aware of relative locations
that offer opportunities for growth.

Author - Zen 22 Dec 2009
There is only One Mind in the Universe.

It's a paradox.
There being only The One Mind ( TOM ),
"you" are already "God" ( creator, thinker, actor ),
so how on Earth can you not be more?

Unless you cling to fear ....
Concept fits The One Mind ( TOM ):-

How Dr. Hew Len healed with Ho'oponopono
a ward of mentally ill criminals.

You can only experience God / The One Mind ( TOM )
through the Sixth Sense and above,
but religions imprison people within the five senses,
and demonise those who try the sixth.

As a result, the group psyche is scared stiff of the "occult",
so that few approach what is merely "hidden"
with any common sense.

In relation to spiritual matters ,
generalisations of any kind are nonsense,
because each man's path is unique.

In my experience,
when I have encountered "dark" forces,
simple "love and light" techniques cause their instant removal.

I spoken with my spirit guides often over two years,
and their love, wisdom, and patience,
far exceeds that of any human being I have yet met.

My understanding is that All That Is,
is The One Mind ( TOM ),
and "I" and "You" are relative locations within TOM's experience.

Yes, we have freewill,
but it is up to us to unravel the puzzle,
escape the maze,
and become more fully aware.

It is The Purpose of Life!

The deeper you can relax,
you go within,
and there you find your truth.

Author - Zen - 20 Nov 2010
As I understand it,
between every atom and molecule,
there is a huge gap -
so presumably something consciously holds everything together.

Some people call it god,
others call it the universe,
or superconsciousness.

I call it The One Mind ( TOM ).

There are thousands of names worldwide.

Whatever name suits you,
it ... exists.

Author - Zen - 11 Oct 2010

Think see thoughts.

Actions and events follow thought,
as the world reflects mind.

Author - Zen - 06 Sep 2010
Thought connects.
What you think about,
is extended into the world,
like ripples across a pond.

Do you think like a raging sea,
or a mirror-glass millpond?

Of the two,
which do you aspire to?
On thought - "Engage brain before speaking!" - is sound advice
On thought - "Engage brain before speaking!" - is sound advice

Clear communication is vital
( brevity, clarity, and simplicity ).

We tend to hear or read something,
and our brain rattles off an instant answer,
and before we think about it, it's off.

On reflection,
we often see that we have missed vital information,
which, had we taken a few deep breaths,
and read it through slowly,
we probably would have noticed.

Author - Zen - 03 Nov 2010
Almost every major event in history has been pre-warned.

For example, in 1898, a short story was written by Morgan Robertson
about how a ship named the "Titan",
collided with an iceberg
and sank with heavy loss of life.

The story was called "Futility",
and it closely resembled the Titanic disaster.

Both ships were British,
and sailed in April with a top speed of 24-25 knots.

They had the same passenger capacity of 3,000,
but sailed with a little over 2,000.

Also they were between 800 and 900 feet long,
and driven with triple propellers.

Here's the clincher;
both ships sank after being pierced by an iceberg on their starboard side.

The point is that events follow thought.

Thought creates.

Events always come second.

This is why having control of one's mind is so vital.

And why Hollywood was such a powerful weapon
in the creation of a global superpower.

By controlling your own mind,
through a technique such as FACE THE FEAR,
the individual stands firm
against those who manipulate the mass mind.
By seeing through their games,
new possibilities are released.
Trust is the first building block of Love.
So many "trusted" instituitions
are built upon secret deceptions of the "sheeple".

Truth resonates deep within -
which is why we know government has a long way to go.

Author - Zen - 28 Oct 2010
Few people consistently stand up for truth,
because our government and media
have brainwashed most people
into becoming unthinking consumers of worthless rubbish from China,
incapable of standing together in common unity.

Author - Zen - 19 Feb 2010

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A US Army surgeon, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin,
has refused to deploy to Afghanistan
because he is not convinced Obama was born on US soil.

Put simply,
he says there is a cover-up.

He has been jailed for six months,
and is to be dismissed from the service,
after a trial that denied him the simple truth
on whether Obama is eligible to be President or not.

Lakin speaks about denial of witnesses on YouTube

His website.

It seems very strange to me
that something so simple
as proving BEYOND DOUBT Obama's eligibility
is being resisted so strongly.

If there is the slightest truth to this,
it can only undermine Obama in the long run.

Author - Zen - 27 Dec 2010

When men look towards unity, not division,
minds unite, accessing superconsciousness.

Governments fear this.

Author - Zen 2010

When millions of people rise above their personal problems,
see the group challenge presented,
and unite their minds -
something awesome will be the result.

Author - Zen 26 Dec 2010

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