Mirror bad energy back to sourcePeople who do evil things are commonplace.
Redress through the system is rare.
As a result,
faith in the system is low,
and resistance to the system is high.
If the system cared,
they would take steps to change this,
but their need for control and profit
is far greater than their wish to do good.
Living in such a system,
people are encouraged to feel a victim -
to feel powerless.
At every step,
they are to place everything
in the hands of the relevant professional,
and become an exhibit of theirs.
As a result,
many people exaggerate their suffering
to increase their gain.
This produces a sick society,
with everyone reinforcing the underlying message
that people are not entitled to justice
except under specified circumstances,
and that lying and being nasty are normal.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Justice should be an inalienable right,
with overpowering outrage when it fails.
In the existing system,
justice is a whim from the professionals,
who grow fat on the suffering of others.
It fails so often,
everyone is simply enduring in muted rage -
adding to a problem
that appears to have no forseeable solution.
The way out of this is simple.
You can rage,
or seek enlightenment.
You can hurt, and be hurt,
or heal, and be healed.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-See the whole process as spiritual development,
with everything you experience as a test.
Imagine a checklist of items within your character
that need attention,
and just let Life get on with it!
We all have areas requiring attention,
do we not?
Life is already working on it
( has always been ),
but being aware of the process helps.
There are many unpleasant people in this world,
and as we know,
the legal process is not there for us.
Some people resort to hate or even violence.
This simply incurs more karmic debts -
which is counter-productive.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-When I encounter unpleasant people,
I quietly make them aware of The Law of Karma.
It is very simple -
What you put out, comes back!
The Law of Karma is a two-edged sword -
it cuts both ways.
So you must be willing
to accept karma within your own life.
If you try and use it with hate,
it will bounce back and bite you.
Government lawyers ( rather nasty ) attacked me,
and I wrote out a document
that explained why I put my trust in karma.
A barrister ( later a judge ) died in a fireball,
a solicitor of cancer,
and another solicitor came very close to death
from kidney disease.
google "judge chubb"
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Dark people hate the light -
so as you strive for enlightenment,
they will attack you.
But provided you are strong
( and the best defence is no defence ),
they merely exhaust themselves,
and you are strengthened.
That is why one must rise above their taunts.
Yes, I know it is hard,
and the urge is to let rip -
but the world you live in,
is caused by millions of victims "letting rip".
You know it does not work.
Enlightenment is often a lonely journey,
as one relative location within TOM ( The One Mind ),
seeks to understand the Meaning of Life.
Each path is unique -
there is no set course or method.
Each of us is lost in a huge maze,
but if we run about blindly,
bumping into people,
tempers fray!
This is why
"Breathe deep, relax, be inspired, be true"
is so important.
Things such as meditation, tai chi, and yoga
slow things down,
and generally strengthen mind, body and spirit.
You cannot just go to a shop
and buy a kilo of enlightenment -
it has to be earned
by people who have the strength of will,
and the determination, to seek it.
The rewards are great.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Everything is energy.
A punch is energy.
A thought is energy.
A punch begins with a thought.
Society considers punching people wrong,
because it is considered harmful.
Yet a great deal of harm is caused
by official people in government and business,
who use paper as a weapon
to force you into submission,
and pay, pay, pay.
Some of these people are just unthinking robots,
but many are just plain mean.
Ordinarily, your opportunity to sort them out
is very limited.
Here is how to potentially sort ANYONE out.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Good Luck! Zen :-)
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